Friday, July 24, 2009


People often use the "I am too old" excuse to rationalise why they just won’t get real about their goals or dreams and it is such a poor excuse. It happens at the other end of the scale as well, with people saying “I am too young”, “it’s too soon”, “not now” and “I have plenty of time for that”. For these people it just never happens, because one day they wake up and it is now “too late”, “I’m too old” or “have no time”.

Are you guilty of this?

And if so, what is holding you back?

What excuses do you regularly hide behind? How do you justify not committing, not taking action, having no desire or putting in little effort?

Australia's ‘Biggest Loser’ was won recently by the oldest ever contestant on Australia’s version of the show Bob Herdsman. Bob lost a massive 87.6kgs or 52.21% of his weight to win the show.

When you think about it what is REALLY stopping you? Nothing!!! It is never too late, just ask Bob. It is never too early either to start to create your future; in fact it is better to make the changes early because it takes less time and effort to get to where you want to be. If you let bad habits form and grow it takes longer to change them and bring them under control, the journey back is far greater.

So throw the excuses out, let Bob’s shining example inspire you to make a REAL difference, the time to start is now, do something today that will make a difference tomorrow

Still not convinced...

Mozart wrote his first symphony at age 7

10-year-old Tatum O'Neal won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for Paper Moon in 1973

At age 14 Nadia Comaneci got a perfect 10

Shane Gould was 16 years old when she won 3 Olympic Golds

71 year Katsusuke Yanagisawa is the oldest person to have climbed Mt Everest

Ruth Rothfarb, who started running at the age of 72 because she was “tired of all the talk about boring funerals”, ran her first marathon at age 81

Pablo Picasso continued to paint prolifically until his death at age 93

The United States oldest Mayor, Dorothy Geeben is 100.

You are never too old or too young…

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