Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scarcity number 2

The scarcity of 4 key things hold entrepreneurs and businesses back.

I recently posted a blog on the first one, scarcity of time.

Today, lets deal with the second- money

Lack of money to purchase resources or materials, lack of money to invest in marketing, lack of money to recruit staff even lack of money to pay yourself what your worth.

There are several ways to create more money, and borrowing should be the last.

1. Sell more, stop doing all the fluff stuff and start making sales calls, sell sell sell, most start up businesses are in the income stage, (for profit and value stages, read the whitepaper - link below) where people are buying YOU, so get out there and sell

2. Negotiate contra deals with suppliers, provide them with a product or service in return for their product or service, this means you don't have to come up with the cash.

3. Haggle. If you can negotiate a better deal, thats less cash that you have to generate, and when I say haggle, I mean haggle like crazy, you will be surprised at how much people will reduce their price if you just ask, every dollar saved is less cash you have to generate to run the business.

There are more example in the whitepaper (see link below)

Look out for scarcity number 3 in the near future

To win at business we need to understand the 8 business frictions, the 6 mindsets of an entrepreneur and the one critical factor that drives business growth.

Receive a free 20 page white paper on how you can find out more about these "business rules" and how they will help you "win" at the game of business here


Elisabetta L Faenza said...

Learning how to play in different games also multiplies income streams. I like how you've brought all this down to some simple steps. It takes the fear out of the game of money and makes it easier for people to begin. Thanks!

Brooke Alexander said...

Great post Rowdy!

Nigel Collin said...

Hi Rowdy,

Great post. Love #3. We often don't ask and wonder why we don't get. It also says to me that part of pushing the boundaries of business is also pushing in directions we often overlook and don't think about. So Haggle Haggle Haggle isn't just good sense it is a great lesson and analogy. I will make it part of my language.

Can't wait til the next blog
