Monday, January 25, 2010

Kickstart 2010 with the F.A.S.T program!

New Year's resolutions come, New Year's resolutions go - I'm sure many would agree with me here!

Remember last time when I asked, "Are you interested or committed?" Well, I'm going to help you commit to your resolutions with my new F.A.S.T program.

I want to celebrate the New Year (the New Decade in fact!) by helping you achieve all of those awesome things you said you would. The promise/s you made whilst clinking wine glasses and popping crackers are ready to be put into action!

I'm putting to you a 28 day challenge to achieve those goals. Whether it's losing a few kg's, quitting smoking or spending more time with the family - with F.A.S.T, this year is the year we're going to make it happen!

Get on board for the 28 day program and each week in Feb I'll send you an audio and accompanying worksheets, all specially designed to kickstart your new decade!

If you missed the Intro email, check it out here - F.A.S.T Program. And if you wanna sign up to receive the emails in Feb, don't be shy - it's super easy! Just follow this link - subscribe to F.A.S.T program.

Time to un-crumple that list sitting in your garbage bin, copy & pin it up everywhere and follow through on your promise.

Now to rephrase the opening statement - New Year's resolution's come, New Year's resolutions STAY!

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