Friday, December 31, 2010
Make your New Years resolutions REAL
1. Comittment
Be ultra clear about what it is that your committed to achieving. The clearer you are with the description and clarity of what it is you will focus on, the more likely you are to be committed to achieving it. What you can picture in your head you can create in your real world. If you want a million dollars but cannot picture yourself with it or having it in your bank account or spending it, its very unlikely that your subconcious will help you commit to creating it. On the other hand if you can create those clearly defined pictures in your mind, your subconcious will work flat out, even when your sleeping, to make them a reality
2. Discipline
Never give up!! Do whats required until you have achieved what you want. Consistency and discipline go hand in hand. the person that reaps the great rewards is the person who doesnt throw in the towel when it gets tough, the person who follows a course of consistent minor achievements again and again is far more likely to succeed then the one off hotshot.
3. Determination
Give me a determined person over a skilled person anytime. A skilled person gives up at the obstacles when their skills cannot deal with something or overcome a setback. Whereas the determined person finds a way. they will go around the obstacles, over the hurdles, they embrace the challenges, look for new ways, think outside the box. They MAKE things happen rather than wait for things to happen.
Make things happen in your world, get free access to my FAST MOTIVATION program here
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Scarcity number 3
Entrepreneurs typically start out as a one man band, the first role is Innovator- creating and developing ideas, once the idea is established they then add the role of Sales manager - to sell their products or ideas, then move on to Operations manager - to create and deliver the product or service, while this is happening sales drop off so they shift some energy to Marketing manger them back to Sales, Operations and the circle goes round and round. They then add Accounts Manager to their portfolio as clients need to be invoiced and bills need to be paid, then they recruit a staff member and take on HR and Payroll, added to this come legal, customer service and IT.
We become a jack of all trades and a master of none, our depth of knowledge in the majority of these roles is minimal and we don't necessarily execute on them well which can cost the busines dearly in terms of money and momentum.
My advice- As soon as possible outsource the roles where you are terrible, for example accounts to a bookkeeper or IT to a computer whiz, it will save you time and money and allow you to add value by doing the things you are best at.
Keep your eyes out for the next and final post in this series Scarcity number 4 from the entrepreneurs curriculum developed by my good mate Creel Price
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Scarcity number 2
I recently posted a blog on the first one, scarcity of time.
Today, lets deal with the second- money
Lack of money to purchase resources or materials, lack of money to invest in marketing, lack of money to recruit staff even lack of money to pay yourself what your worth.
There are several ways to create more money, and borrowing should be the last.
1. Sell more, stop doing all the fluff stuff and start making sales calls, sell sell sell, most start up businesses are in the income stage, (for profit and value stages, read the whitepaper - link below) where people are buying YOU, so get out there and sell
2. Negotiate contra deals with suppliers, provide them with a product or service in return for their product or service, this means you don't have to come up with the cash.
3. Haggle. If you can negotiate a better deal, thats less cash that you have to generate, and when I say haggle, I mean haggle like crazy, you will be surprised at how much people will reduce their price if you just ask, every dollar saved is less cash you have to generate to run the business.
There are more example in the whitepaper (see link below)
Look out for scarcity number 3 in the near future
To win at business we need to understand the 8 business frictions, the 6 mindsets of an entrepreneur and the one critical factor that drives business growth.
Receive a free 20 page white paper on how you can find out more about these "business rules" and how they will help you "win" at the game of business here
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Scarcity number 1
If one of these apply to you it could be holding your business back. If two or more apply you could be in serious trouble.
1. Time
They get so caught up in doing the next best thing, flitting from one to the next, rarely get paid appropriately for their time and because they are typically ineffective time managers and or poor delegators, they tend to think it is easier to do it yourself than delegate it to someone else, they live in the false belief that they will have that long desired holiday, break or cut back on the 60 or 70 hour week when X or Y happens. Every time they try to step away from the business they get sucked back in time and time again. the reason this occurs is lack processes and procedures, support and efficient time management systems.
Look out for scarcity number 2 in the near future
To win at business we need to understand the 8 business frictions, the 6 mindsets of an entrepreneur and the one critical factor that drives business growth.
Receive a free 20 page white paper on how you can find out more about these "business rules" and how they will help you "win" at the game of business here
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Business is just a game
Business is no different! If you can improve your knowledge of the rules and be aware of how the game is played you can win. Winning at business can look different to different people. For some people winning is a balance in their bank account, for others its freedom to do what they want and for others its leaving some sort of legacy.
To win at business we need to understand the 8 business frictions, the 6 mindsets of an entrepreneur and the one critical factor that drives business growth.
Look out for more in my blog in the near future about "winning at the game of business"
Receive a free 20 page white paper on how you can find out more about these "business rules" and how they will help you "win" at the game of business here
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Get on the F.A.S.T track...

I'll be running a lightning presentation at the Jupiters Casino on June 8th and 30th from 6 - 8:30pm. For only $49, you'll achieve a personal action plan for success, the key to overcoming obstacles and the formula for maximising outcomes with minimum effort
Stop floating through life and live your life, register now or find out more by visiting

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Say Kia Ora to success New Zealand
Kicking off the first Get Real seminar in Auckland next Thursday. Time to introduce New Zealand to the Get Real Guy way of getting things done and making things happen. Check it out...
Monday, April 12, 2010
When instant coffee isn't FAST enough.
Everything in life is getting faster. Close your eyes for too long and time slips away, forfeiting rare opportunities to close in on your goals. Do you want to risk that?
We’re all busy human beings. So busy, in fact, that we’re losing the ability to raise the bar and execute on the important things in our lives.
Forget what you’re doing for a second because if you’re looking for success (personally, financially, professionally, whatever!), I need your undivided attention. Think back about 4 months when we promised ourselves that 2010 was going to be our year to lose 10kgs, save more money or grab that promotion you’ve been chasing. Feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it? A clear distinction can be made between those people that achieve their short-term goals and those that don’t. The ones that do generally go on to be hugely successful!
Don’t despair, I have invested so much time in researching human behaviour that I now know just how to overcome that barrier of goal resistance. It’s called Get Real FAST. It comprises 4 key steps, Focus, Action, Support & obsTacles, to help you achieve that promotion, lose 10kgs or save some pennies. Check it out…
Focus – There’s generally more than one thing we want to achieve. But what really sets the achievers apart is their ability to focus on just one thing at a time. Forget the things that just won’t happen and the goals that are someone else’s. Think about what’s truly important to you and hone inon that. Given your goal is achievable, believable and consistent, with a touch of focus you’ll be well on the road to goal accomplishment.
Action – There’s a stark contrast between someone who’s interested than to someone who’s committed. You need to be absolutely committed to your goal to make it work. Once you’ve made this switch, write down your goal, describe your goal in detail, define the key action steps needed to get you there, apply a time frame and shout it loud and proud from your personal podium! Sharing makes you accountable, and that’s one of the vital steps in goal kicking.
Support – Support is about maintaining momentum and exhausting all the resources that are available to help you progress towards your goal. Doing it solo doesn’t give you hero status; in fact, it makes you more vulnerable to failure. Gather support in the form of information (books, magazines, internet) and experience. People who have been there and done that have a wealth of support to give. Call them, email them and ask them what it was that worked well, and what didn’t. Having someone keep you accountable is a good way to keep the momentum going.
obsTacles – There’s nothing good about obstacles. Whether they take the form of a small speed bump or a big brick wall, they only lead to frustration and the possibility of failure. So the answer is, get rid of them! Research shows the biggest barrier is time (surprise, surprise!). Make time by combining activities, e.g. exercise & travelling to work or driving & conference calls. It’s essential you make time to action your goals and ensure they can’t be thieved by other people or commitments. Fancy trying to learn Spanish in a kitchen full of hungry kids!
Also, keep an eye out for the dream stealers. You know the ones who love to see you fail. Avoid them at all costs! Either that or use them as an agitator – someone that pushes your button and makes you more determined to achieve your goals. Then you can say, “I told you so!”
Being successful doesn’t happen overnight – but it can happen in 28 days with Get Real FAST.
If you liked this, don't forget about the first Get Real seminar in Auckland, April 29th. It's going to be epic, check it out -
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The question is WHY do you want it, when the "WHY" is strong enough the "HOW" looks after itself. In other words if the motivation "WHY" is big enough you will find a way "HOW" to make it happen
Unfortunately that's not where the story ends. If we get the WHY eg "I want to be financialy free so that I can devote my life to caring for the homeless" doesn't mean the HOW "I need 5 million dollars in order to be financialy free" will show up.
We have to get off our backsides and MAKE it happen! Laying on the lounge knowing your "WHY" is nice. Hoping that the 5 million shows up while you are laying there is the definition of insanity!
I cover ALL this stuff in my Get Real Seminars
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Feeding our desire to acquire - let me show you how.
In life, we all strive to acquire more - more money, more time, more freedom and more fulfillment! Ultimately, we desire to be happy. The Get Real question is ‘what measures are we pursuing to get us there’ and ‘are they working’?
Taking the leap into making things happen is not an easy one - without the right resources that is. Leading a more successful life and acquiring more wealth, time, freedom and fulfillment comes down to action. It’s simple - action equals outcomes. We dial a number to make a call. We turn on the television to watch a program. We eat to satisfy our appetite. So, we must take charge if we want to be happy.
To fulfill our desire to acquire we must first be crystal clear on what we want, why we want it and how badly we want it. Is it a must have, a should have or a could have?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Get Real Seminar Auckland 29th April

If you're in Auckland on April 29th, come kick off the Get Real Live Seminar series with me - places are limited & in hot demand.
If you haven't had the opportunity to Get Real with me before & not sure what the big deal is, visit
Register for the Get Real Live Seminar in Auckland - early bird special available for those who are ready to get real, get moving & get successful!
Drop me an email for more information...
Monday, January 25, 2010
Kickstart 2010 with the F.A.S.T program!
Remember last time when I asked, "Are you interested or committed?" Well, I'm going to help you commit to your resolutions with my new F.A.S.T program.
I want to celebrate the New Year (the New Decade in fact!) by helping you achieve all of those awesome things you said you would. The promise/s you made whilst clinking wine glasses and popping crackers are ready to be put into action!
I'm putting to you a 28 day challenge to achieve those goals. Whether it's losing a few kg's, quitting smoking or spending more time with the family - with F.A.S.T, this year is the year we're going to make it happen!
Get on board for the 28 day program and each week in Feb I'll send you an audio and accompanying worksheets, all specially designed to kickstart your new decade!
If you missed the Intro email, check it out here - F.A.S.T Program. And if you wanna sign up to receive the emails in Feb, don't be shy - it's super easy! Just follow this link - subscribe to F.A.S.T program.
Time to un-crumple that list sitting in your garbage bin, copy & pin it up everywhere and follow through on your promise.
Now to rephrase the opening statement - New Year's resolution's come, New Year's resolutions STAY!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Get Real Seminars in 2010
Come and Get Real with me in:
- Auckland - April 29
- Gold Coast - August 5
- Sydney - August 26
- Melbourne - September 16

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Oscar Wilde wrote: "A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.'' It's true; it's a known fact that most New Year's resolutions are broken by the end of January, often within the first week and sometimes within hours of their delivery. Why is this? Because they are statements carefully crafted and delivered to an audience with a resounding expression of confidence and faith.
What brings them undone is the difference between interested and committed.
These New Year's resolutions are more to do with something someone is interested in doing or achieving. Somewhere in their subconscious they have developed the belief that by sharing their promise with people in the late evening of December 31 or early hours of January 1 that they will simply come true - I know there's lots of heads out there nodding!
Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for it all to unravel. When you are interested in something it doesn't take up much space in your day to day thoughts as you focus your mind elsewhere.
Think about it, if you were a car salesman and someone walked into your dealership and said, "I am interested in buying a car", how would you feel about making a sale? Luke warm at the best I would say!
Now imagine someone walks in and says, "I am committed to buying a car today!" Your eyeballs would see dollar signs and excitement levels would surge. Afterall, you've got a hot prospect on your hands who knows what they want and mean it. Resolutions, goals, targets, dreams, achievements and plans are the same. The ones you are interested in easily fall by the wayside and are too easy to cop out of. That's why so many aren't achieved and we continue to follow the same pattern year in, year out!
However, when you are committed, it puts real purpose behind your resolutions and shows you are serious about making them happen.
Telling someone you are interested won't work, but you can definitely demonstrate that you are committed to something by the actions you take. Get committed and take part in my GET REAL F.A.ST program. It's free and will give you the tools to kick of 2010 with a bang!
Whether you've made 2010 the year to quit smoking, boost your savings or lose a few kilos, the 28 day F.A.S.T challenge will help you get committed. I'll be sending email updates each Monday in Feb.

Sign up to the 28 day F.A.S.T challenge here!